Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Changes In Attitude, Changes In Latitude

Last post featuring change in the title, I swear. At least for a's getting precious, and a little irritating. And it's my blog...if I got any actual readers? I'm not thinking they would find it anymore endearing than I do.

Today went I ate several small meals and there was no emotional eating binge behaviors. Yay! I even craved salad halfway through the day (the taco salad with black beans, a little cheese, spices, and spring mix) and had a lovely fish dinner with my husband tonight with yet another salad (more spring mix, a handful of sunflower seeds, a drizzle of shitake mushroom dressing, and a sprinkle of asiago). I made my husband the same thing, just upped the toppings. He works long hours and we're not together as much as I would like, so when I can make the time cook him something personal it means a lot. It was a good night :).

Cleaning/organization-wise I made my way through the pile of dishes that grew last week when I wasn't feeling well, and even tackled our scary, scary shower (I haven't thoroughly cleaned it since we moved here with actual scrubbing). I've started getting our tax stuff together. Baby steps are still steps. And as for peace of mind...I got freaked out a couple of times today and was able to calm myself down successfully. Drinking water is a surprising's amazing how soothing it can be for us to be nice to our bodies.

Ultimately I'd love to make these changes permanent enough that I don't need reminders of them (and then I can make small, fun changes and track their progress and results...for someone who is as much a change-a-phobe as I am, that would be interesting). I like making this self-improvement a project rather than a chore. It's fun to report back how I'm doing, and hopefully it will be inspirational to someone other than me. If not, I'm more than enough!

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