Sunday, August 8, 2010

Too much to do in too little time

Do you ever feel that way? I am such an overachiever at life* that I constantly feel like this...I create these huge goals and I stack them on top of one another, laying them around me like bricks. And with these bricks I build this unscalable wall that I can't easily overcome--the goals keep me boxed in, blocked in with all of the garbage I'm trying to get rid of and ensure that I don't see the whole picture of what's going on with my life. So ultimately nothing happens, or at least not enough to leave me satisfied (and sometimes bad habits, etc. fall right back down on me. I've built the wall, so where do I expect it to go)?

So, for the rest of August, I'm making 3 vague but intriguing goals: 1.) to start to determine what I no longer need in my life and to slowly shed this like a snake sheds its dry, useless skin to make way for its healthy new body, 2.) To slowly add healthy new habits to my life and to try to be consistent with them, and 3.) To relish my achievements and be objective about them--I may not turn into the person I want to be overnight, but as long as I am moving in the right direction I will do my best to be happy with that.

We'll see how this goes. I'll report on my progress as the month progresses. :)

*This implies that I actually meet my goals, but I often don't. Read on!

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